September 18, 2023

Understanding the Flyback Diode: Your Essential Guide to Functionality and Why You Need One

Diagram of a simple circuit with an inductor and a flyback diode. The resistor represents the resistance of the inductor's windings.

In the world of electronics, managing inductive loads like solenoids and motors often presents challenges, especially when it comes to voltage spikes and energy dissipation. One component that plays a crucial role in mitigating these issues is the flyback diode. This article serves as an essential guide to understanding the functionality of flyback diodes and why they are indispensable in circuits with inductive elements.


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What is a Flyback Diode?

Electronic Symbol of a diode and its typical physical form

A flyback diode is a semiconductor device that is connected across an inductor in a circuit to protect other components from voltage spikes. When an inductive load is suddenly de-energized, the energy stored in the inductor has to go somewhere. The flyback diode provides a path for this energy, preventing damage to other components like transistors.

The Physics Behind Inductance and EMF

Inductors store energy in their magnetic fields. When the current flowing through an inductor changes, it induces an electromotive force (EMF) due to its inductance. This induced EMF can be harmful to other components in the circuit, especially sensitive ones like integrated circuits (ICs).

Why Do You Need a Flyback Diode?

Voltage Spikes and Arcing

When an inductive load like a solenoid or coil is switched off, the energy stored in its inductance must be dissipated. Without a flyback diode, this energy can cause voltage spikes, leading to arcing across switch contacts and potential damage to ICs.

Protecting Transistors

Transistors are particularly vulnerable to voltage spikes. A flyback diode can protect the transistor by providing a path for the inductive energy to be safely dissipated.

Snubber Circuits

In some applications, a resistor or a snubber circuit may be used in conjunction with the flyback diode to dampen oscillations and further protect the circuit.

Types of Flyback Diodes

| Name | Description | | :=== | :=== | | Standard Diode | The most basic type of flyback diode, it offersm a path for the inductive energy to circulate until it's dissipated. | | Zener Diode | Zener diode can serve as a flyback diode while also providing voltage regulation. When the voltage exceeds a certain level, the zener diode conducts, clamping the voltage and protecting the circuit. | | Freeweheeling Diode | Ffreewheeling diode is another term for a flyback diode used specifically in motor applications to provide a path for the stored energy. |

How to Choose a Flyback Diode

  1. Voltage Rating: The diode's voltage rating should be higher than the maximum voltage in your circuit to prevent breakdown.
  2. Current Rating: Ensure the diode can handle the maximum current that will flow through the inductor.
  3. Speed: Choose a diode with a reverse recovery time that matches the switching speed of your circuit.

Real-world Applications

  1. Relay Coils: Flyback diodes are commonly used across relay coils to prevent arcing across the relay contacts.
  2. DC Motors: In DC motor circuits, flyback diodes protect the transistors from inductive kickback.
  3. Solenoids: In solenoid valves, flyback diodes safeguard the control circuitry.
  4. Switching Power Supplies: Flyback diodes are essential in switching power supplies to ensure that energy is not wasted and components are protected.


Understanding the flyback diode is crucial for anyone dealing with circuits that include inductive elements. Whether you're working with solenoids, coils, or any inductive load, a flyback diode is your go-to component for protecting against voltage spikes and ensuring that energy is safely dissipated. By selecting the appropriate type—be it a standard, Zener, or freewheeling diode—you can optimize your circuit for both safety and efficiency.

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Jake Hertz

Jake Hertz is an Electrical Engineer who works with Flux. He has his M.S. and B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and previously worked for MakerBot Industries where he worked developing the electrical systems for next-generation 3D printers. Find him on Flux @jakehertz

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