• ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template


    3 months ago


    14 Stars

  • WiFi Camera with Motion Detection Reference Design

    WiFi Camera with Motion Detection Reference Design

    This project is a WiFi Camera with Motion Detection, utilizing ESP32-CAM module and HC-SR501 PIR sensor. The camera is activated by the sensor's output. The system also includes power regulation and communication headers for setup and control. #WiFi #MCU #PIR #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP32 #camera #referenceDesign #edgeComputing #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    5 Stars

  • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design

    ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design

    This project is a reference project for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 to develop your IoT ideas. The board has 3 LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    3 Stars

  • WiFi Soil Monitor reference design

    WiFi Soil Monitor reference design

    This is a WiFi Soil Monitor reference design based on ESP32-S3 microcontroller for WiFi connectivity, a Type-C USB for power #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    3 Stars

  • ESP32-S2-MINI-1U Reference Design

    ESP32-S2-MINI-1U Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-1U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    3 Stars

  • ESP-WROOM-02U Reference Design

    ESP-WROOM-02U Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP-WROOM-02U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP8266 #WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    3 Stars

  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design ePe2

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design ePe2

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    6 months ago


    3 Stars

  • ESP32-S2-MINI-2 Reference Design

    ESP32-S2-MINI-2 Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-2 based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    3 Stars

  • SelfCare Plant Final Design

    SelfCare Plant Final Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    2 months ago


    2 Stars

  • Motion Detector Reference Design

    Motion Detector Reference Design

    This is a motion detector circuit using an ESP32 microcontroller and PIR sensor. It features USB-C connectivity, RGB LED indication, push buttons and is powered by a 3.3V supply. #referenceDesign #edge-computing #edgeComputing #espressif #template #iot #PIR #esp32 #reference-design



    3 months ago


    1 Star

  • ESP-CAM Motherboard Reference Design

    ESP-CAM Motherboard Reference Design

    This project is a motherboard for the ESP32-CAM module, which enables easy and flexible WiFi camera applications. The motherboard provides power supply, programming interface, and GPIO expansion for the ESP32-CAM. It also supports external sensors for more functionality. #motherboard #WiFi #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP32 #camera #referenceDesign #edgeComputing #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • WiFi Door and Window Sensor

    WiFi Door and Window Sensor

    This project is a WiFi-enabled door and window sensor using the ESP8684-WROOM-02C module from Espressif Systems. It includes a triple-color LED indicator, Reed switch for detection, a 3.3V Regulatory mechanism, and USB C for firmware flashing. It's powered by a regular non-rechargeable AAA battery. #WiFi #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP8684 #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • WiFi to IR Gateway Reference Design bN3H

    WiFi to IR Gateway Reference Design bN3H

    This is a WiFi to Infrared (IR) gateway reference design leveraging an ESP32-S3 microcontroller for WiFi connectivity. It also incorporates a Type-C USB interface for data and power, 3 LEDs (red, green, & IR), and voltage regulation. It facilitates wireless control of IR devices, suitable for home automation projects. #referenceDesign #edge-computing #espressif #template #IR #project #reference-design

    6 months ago


    1 Star

  • LoRa to WiFi Gateway Reference Design

    LoRa to WiFi Gateway Reference Design

    This project is a LoRa to WiFi Gateway using an ESP32 microcontroller. The design incorporates a LoRa transceiver and a WiFi module to facilitate data transfer between LoRa and WiFi protocols. This gateway can be directly implemented in IoT-based applications where field devices using LoRa need to communicate with WiFi-enabled devices. #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #LoRa #lora #hub #gateway #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #edge-computing #espressif #seeed #seeed-technology #reference-design


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • ESP32 RS485 (Modbus) Controller Reference Design

    ESP32 RS485 (Modbus) Controller Reference Design

    This project is a controller module that uses the ESP32-WROOM-32E and the MAX3485 to communicate with Modbus devices. It has a USB-C port for power and data, a voltage regulator for stable operation, and headers for connecting sensors and actuators. It also has a CH340C chip for USB to serial conversion. #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #MAX3485 #RS485 #maximintegrated #reference-design


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • AUIDO-Helper


    This is a Kitchen Assistant Reference Design that runs on an ESP32 that connects to the network. The board has a microphone and bazer for communication and a display #referenceDesign #edge-computing #edgeComputing #espressif #template #esp32 #iot #i2s #reference-design


    1 Star

  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design 0a6b

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design 0a6b

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template

    24 days ago


    1 Star

  • ESP32-WROVER-E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROVER-E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROVER-E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROVER #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • ESP-WROOM-02D Reference Design

    ESP-WROOM-02D Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP-WROOM-02D based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP8266 #WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • ESP32-S2-MINI-2U Reference Design

    ESP32-S2-MINI-2U Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-2U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


    1 Star

  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design 6aM4

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design 6aM4

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template

    3 months ago


    1 Star

  • WiFi Camera with Motion Detection Reference Design

    WiFi Camera with Motion Detection Reference Design

    This project is a WiFi Camera with Motion Detection, utilizing ESP32-CAM module and HC-SR501 PIR sensor. The camera is activated by the sensor's output. The system also includes power regulation and communication headers for setup and control. #WiFi #MCU #PIR #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP32 #camera #referenceDesign #edgeComputing #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago


    1 Star

  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template


    14 days ago

    1 Comment

    1 Star

  • ESP32 RS485 (Modbus) Controller Module 02e3 8a70 11db

    ESP32 RS485 (Modbus) Controller Module 02e3 8a70 11db

    This project is a controller module that uses the ESP32-WROOM-32E and the MAX3485 to communicate with Modbus devices. It has a USB-C port for power and data, a voltage regulator for stable operation. It also has a CH340C chip for USB to serial conversion. #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #reusable #module #simple-embedded #espressif #template #MAX3485 #RS485 #maximintegrated

    3 months ago

    1 Comment

    1 Star

  • ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U Reference Design

    ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U Reference Design

    This is a ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U reference design based on the manufacturer's recommendations. On board we have an ESP module, USB C for firmware, 2 connectors with IOs and RGB LED #ESP32 #WiFi #LED #IoT #BLE #ARM #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template

    a year ago

    1 Comment

    1 Star

  • WiFi RF-ID lock reference design vnb3

    WiFi RF-ID lock reference design vnb3

    This project is a WiFi RF-ID Lock, which uses a Espressif ESP-8684 microcontroller for WiFi connectivity and a Handson Technology RC522 for RF-ID functionality. It also includes an OLED display and user control via a switch. A step-up power converter ensures consistent 3.3V power. #WiFi #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP8684 #lock #OLED #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago

    1 Comment

    1 Star

  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design i83J

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design i83J

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago

    1 Comment

    1 Star

  • Kitchen Assistant Reference Design

    Kitchen Assistant Reference Design

    This is a Kitchen Assistant Reference Design that runs on an ESP32 that connects to the network. The board has a microphone and bazer for communication and a display #referenceDesign #edge-computing #edgeComputing #espressif #template #esp32 #iot #i2s #reference-design


    a year ago

    1 Star

  • EasyCount_3.2.0


    El proyecto "EasyCount_3.2.0" desarrollado por Goya Incol SAS es un diseño electrónico para un contador digital. Este proyecto utiliza el módulo ESP32-S3-DEVKITC-1 de Espressif Systems, proporcionando funciones avanzadas de conectividad y procesamiento digital. El circuito incorpora diversos componentes, tales como resistencias, capacitores, interruptores y un regulador de voltaje LM1117MPX-3.3/NOPB, para estabilizar la salida a 3.3V. Además, incluye un display de segmentos con el componente HDSM-541B para la visualización de cuentas y múltiples botones para el control del contador. El diseño garantiza una administración eficiente de la energía y múltiples conexiones GPIO para facilitar las funciones de entrada y salida necesarias para el conteo

    a month ago


  • Real CDR working

    Real CDR working

    This is a module of ESP32-S3-WROOM-1. The board has 3 LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #part #reusable #module #simple-embedded #espressif #sublayout

    a year ago


  • ESP32-S2-MINI-2 Reference Design

    ESP32-S2-MINI-2 Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-2 based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template



    18 hours ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design t3PT

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design t3PT

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    4 months ago


  • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design iYm8

    ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design iYm8

    This project is a reference project for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 to develop your IoT ideas. The board has 3 LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago


  • Smart Blind Control System Reference Design b5ik f105

    Smart Blind Control System Reference Design b5ik f105

    This is a smart blind control system reference design designed to automate the operation of window blinds. It utilizes an ESP32 microcontroller for managing control signals and an A4988 stepper motor driver to control blinds' movement. It also includes USB interfacing and LED feedback. #referenceDesign #edge-computing #edgeComputing #espressif #template #blind #DC #motor #servo #esp32 #reference-design

    8 months ago


  • ESP32-S3-MINI-1 Reference Design

    ESP32-S3-MINI-1 Reference Design

    This project is a reference project for ESP32-S3-MINI-1 to develop your IoT ideas. The board has RGB LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


  • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design iYm8

    ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design iYm8

    This project is a reference project for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 to develop your IoT ideas. The board has 3 LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago


  • WiFi RF-ID lock reference design g7u8 eb3f 125c

    WiFi RF-ID lock reference design g7u8 eb3f 125c

    This project is a WiFi RF-ID Lock, which uses a Espressif ESP-8684 microcontroller for WiFi connectivity and a Handson Technology RC522 for RF-ID functionality. It also includes an OLED display and user control via a switch. A step-up power converter ensures consistent 3.3V power. #WiFi #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP8684 #lock #OLED #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    2 days ago


  • WiFi Camera with Motion Detection Reference Design oYrh

    WiFi Camera with Motion Detection Reference Design oYrh

    This project is a WiFi Camera with Motion Detection, utilizing ESP32-CAM module and HC-SR501 PIR sensor. The camera is activated by the sensor's output. The system also includes power regulation and communication headers for setup and control. #WiFi #MCU #PIR #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP32 #camera #referenceDesign #edgeComputing #espressif #template #reference-design

    6 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    7 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    10 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design 8bqa

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design 8bqa

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template

    2 months ago


  • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design aLf8

    ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Reference Design aLf8

    This project is a reference project for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 to develop your IoT ideas. The board has 3 LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    7 months ago


  • ESP32-C3 Reference Design

    ESP32-C3 Reference Design

    This is an ESP32-C3 reference design based on the manufacturer's recommendations with a uFL SMD antenna and USB C on board #WiFi #ESP32-C3 #IoT #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design


    a year ago


  • ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U Reference Design dsMU

    ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U Reference Design dsMU

    This is a ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U reference design based on the manufacturer's recommendations. On board we have an ESP module, USB C for firmware, 2 connectors with IOs and RGB LED #ESP32 #WiFi #LED #IoT #BLE #ARM #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template

    3 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    3 months ago


  • ESP32-S2-MINI-1U Reference Design 3DhM

    ESP32-S2-MINI-1U Reference Design 3DhM

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-1U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design pHDK

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design pHDK

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template

    3 months ago


  • ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    ESP32-WROOM-32E Reference Design

    This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design

    5 months ago