Power net portal is a special schematic object used to define a power or ground net. Power ports allow you to conveniently indicate a power net at any location in the design. Power nets of the same designator automatically connect throughout your design #portal #power
A generic fixed inductor for rapid developing circuit topology. *You can now change the footprint and 3D model at the top level anytime you want. This is the power of #generics
Sure, let's go through each component in your WiFi to IR gateway reference design. I'll explain the function and role of each component to ensure that you understand how they fit into your project.
LED Components
LED1: This is a basic LED with a cathode (K) and anode (A). It is likely used to provide visual feedback.
LED2: Similar to LED1, it is used for visual indicators.
LED3: This appears to be a multi-color LED, with Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and common anode (A). It is used to provide multi-color visual feedback.
LED_RED, LED_IR, LED_G, LED_B, LED_R: These are nets for the respective LEDs. They help connect LEDs to signals or power in the circuit.
R1, R2, R6, R7, R8: These are current-limiting resistors (with specified resistance values: 150Ω, 150Ω, 135Ω, 50Ω, 50Ω respectively) for the LEDs to protect them from excessive current.
R3, R4, R5: These resistors are probably part of the USB Type-C and/or pull-down or pull-up circuitry (5.1kΩ, 5.1kΩ, 10kΩ respectively).
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8: These capacitors are used for various purposes such as filtering and stabilizing the voltage. Capacitors like 10µF, 1µF, and 0.1µF are common for decoupling and bypassing.
U1: This is the ESP32-S3-MINI-1U-N8 microcontroller. It manages WiFi connectivity and controls other components like LEDs and IR transmitter/receiver.
Voltage Regulator
U2: This is the AMS1117-3.3 voltage regulator that converts higher input voltage down to 3.3V required by the ESP32 and other components.
Infrared Components
U3: This is the TSOP4838, an IR receiver module that decodes infrared signals coming from a remote control.
D1: This is the 1N5819HW-7-F, a Schottky diode used for reverse polarity protection or for rectification.
SW1, SW2: These are push-button switches (PTS815 SJM 250 SMTR LFS) which can be used for reset and boot operations.
J1: This is the USB Type-C connector (TYPE-C-31-M-12) for power and data transfer.
Power Nets
3V3, 5V, VBUS: These are power nets supplying power to various components in the circuit. 3V3 is 3.3V for the ESP32 and associated components, while 5V and VBUS are for components requiring 5V input.
Ground Nets
GND: This is the common ground reference for all the components in the circuit.
Other Nets and Connections
ESP_BOOT, ESP_RST: These are control signals for the ESP32 for boot and reset functionality.
USB_P_ESP, USB_N_ESP: These signals route the USB D+ and D- lines to the ESP32 for USB communication.
LED_IR, LED_RED, LED_G, LED_B, LED_R: These nets connect the respective LEDs to the ESP32 GPIOs to control them.
CC1, CC2: Configuration channel pins for the USB Type-C interface.
Voltage Regulation
This section ensures stable voltage levels, especially when transitioning between USB voltage and the required 3.3V for the ESP32 and other components.
I hope this detailed explanation clarifies the role of each component and their connections in the overall design. Let me know if you need more details on a specific part or connection!
To integrate the IR receiver, TSOP4838, into your design, you'll need to connect it to the ESP32-S3 MCU and power supply. Here's a step-by-step guide for adding the IR receiver:
Connect TSOP4838:V+ to 3.3V Power:
Connect TSOP4838:V+ (Pin 3) to Net: 3V3:P1.
Connect TSOP4838:GND to Ground:
Connect TSOP4838:GND (Pin 2) to Net: GND:P1.
Connect TSOP4838:OUT to ESP32-S3 input GPIO pin:
Connect TSOP4838:OUT (Pin 1) to U1:IO (select an available GPIO pin on the ESP32-S3, for example, IO4).
Power from 3V3 net is used for the TSOP4838 V+ pin based on the standard operating voltage requirement (3 to 5.5V).
Connected to an available GPIO on the MCU for signal reception (can be re-adjusted based on your further use case).
Integrate these connections into your existing design, and this should get your IR receiver properly wired and functional within your WiFi to IR Gateway project.
If you need further assistance on placing or routing these components on your PCB layout using Flux, feel free to ask!
By following these steps, you will have added the IR receiver to your schema and connected its relevant pins to the proper nets. If you encounter any issue or need further clarification, please let me know!