• [Example] Simulation of Astable Multivibrator Circuit

    [Example] Simulation of Astable Multivibrator Circuit

    A simulated blinking LED circuit using an astable multivibrator a.k.a "flip-flop" as a square wave generator. It also includes PCB layout of the project.


    7 months ago


    15 Stars

  • LED Animation

    LED Animation

    This is a project with an animation of LED lights on a board created in flux!! #led #js #flux #stm


    2 years ago


    11 Stars

  • SmokeSensor_ShieldCompetition


    Arduino Uno shield used to monitor chimney smoke and provide feedback to stove. This shield powers the Arduino using TEGs and a battery. This shield provides power to an LED, fans, and a light sensor used to detect light intensity.


    2 years ago

    11 Stars

  • sf-hackathon-2023-bee-hotel-R0.5


    Check out the winning project at the SF climate hardware hack! This project intends to bring smart IoT capabilities to homes for native bees so that more people can provide them housing and we can all participate in citizen science to gather more information about the bees! Requirements: -Daytime Operation Only -Track Bee Input/Output Directionality -Connects to House via WiFi Features: -MPPT Solar Power Conditioning -96% efficient IR LED Drive Next Version Feature Wants: Microphone!




    a year ago

    1 Comment

    9 Stars

  • Semestral E.P

    Semestral E.P

    Este circuito tiene la función de controlador para cuatro circuitos de tiras de luces LED múltiple, donde se usarán convertidores reductores, ya que es el mas simple de los controladores de conmutación (tipo Buck) y en este circuito esta aplicado ya que el voltaje de la carga nunca supera el 85% del voltaje de la alimentación y es capaz de regular la potencia AC de entrada y convertirlo para los 4 voltajes de salidas en DC, con el objetivo de alimentar las 4 tiras de luces LED. Este circuito convertidor reductor generalmente usa un MOSFET de potencia para cambiar el voltaje de alimentación a través de un inductor y las cargas que son las tiras de luces LED en serie. El inductor se utiliza para almacenar energía cuando se enciende el MOSFET, está esta energía se utiliza para proporcionar la corriente a las tiras de luces LED (las cuales tienen un consumo de 350 mA) cuando se apaga el MOSFET. Un diodo a través de las tiras LED y el circuito proporciona una ruta de retorno para que la corriente durante el tiempo de apagado del MOSFET.


    a year ago

    8 Stars

  • sf-hackathon-2023-bee-hotel-R0.5


    Check out the winning project at the SF climate hardware hack! This project intends to bring smart IoT capabilities to homes for native bees so that more people can provide them housing and we can all participate in citizen science to gather more information about the bees! Requirements: -Daytime Operation Only -Track Bee Input/Output Directionality -Connects to House via WiFi Features: -MPPT Solar Power Conditioning -96% efficient IR LED Drive Next Version Feature Wants: Microphone!




    a year ago

    6 Stars

  • 8x8 Display with IMU V2

    8x8 Display with IMU V2

    Mixed Voltage Arduino Nano Integration Example on a 4 Layer PCB Changelog/TODO: -Breakout the SPI Bus in a 2.54mm header in a snap off manner -add an IMU -Reorder the rows of the LEDs Tutorials: https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/interfacing-max7219-led-dot-matrix-display-with-arduino


    a year ago


    6 Stars

  • Ouija Board

    Ouija Board

    First in the world hands-free Otherside communication device! You need only the board, spirit or ghost don't need to move the ouija anymore. Symbols will light up from the inside so you will be able to read your messages and spirit or ghost just need to turn on a red bottom entry LED. Two MEMS microphones allow your interlocutor to clearly hear your questions. WiFi connectivity gives you an opportunity to "dial" without a Medium anytime anywhere. And it has Bluetooth as well, because: "Everything is better with Bluetooth"! This board is powered by a single 10440(AAA) LiFePO4 battery that gives you up to 2 hours of seance. Designed by Vasyl Skral


    2 years ago


    5 Stars

  • Portable Audio DSP

    Portable Audio DSP

    Portable Audio DSP project utilizing multiple ICs, capacitors, resistors, and LEDs for advanced audio processing and control. Designed for embedded audio applications with ESP32, ADC, DAC, and interface components. #audioDevices #DSP #ADC #audio #DAC




    4 months ago


    5 Stars

  • 83 Keyboard

    83 Keyboard

    A 83 key keyboard, Norwegian QWERTY/DVORAK ISO style. It's of course possible to use other languages, as the MX cherry switches will accept keycaps with whatever language you need. It uses 83 1N4148 diodes and three LED's for caps lock,scroll lock, and QWERTY/DVORAK. It also needs pin headers that accepts the pins from a Teensy++2.0


    2 years ago


    5 Stars