Power net portal is a special schematic object used to define a power or ground net. Power ports allow you to conveniently indicate a power net at any location in the design. Power nets of the same designator automatically connect throughout your design #portal #power
A generic fixed inductor for rapid developing circuit topology. *You can now change the footprint and 3D model at the top level anytime you want. This is the power of #generics
This project describes a circuit involving a QRE1113 opto-reflective sensor module commonly used for industrial sensing applications.
Here are the main components and characteristics
Opto-Reflective Sensor (IC1): It's the key element in the circuit, which is essentially a phototransistor paired with an infrared LED.
Resistors (R1 and R2): The project uses a 47KΩ (R2) pull-up resistor for the sensor output and a 100Ω (R1) resistor, most likely for current limiting.
Capacitor (C1): A 1µF capacitor aids in stability, likely smoothing out power supply noise and decoupling.
Power Supply (VCC): The power input to the circuit is designed to connect via a JST connector.
Output (OPTO_OUT): The processed signal is available at OPTO_OUT.
Under normal circumstances, the sensor's phototransistor allows current based on the amount of light it receives from its paired infrared LED. When an object is nearby, it reflects more light towards the phototransistor, resulting in more current being allowed.
Here's how these components are connected:
Both R1 and R2 are connected to VCC on one side.
The other pin of R1 is connected to one pin of the Opto-Reflective Sensor.
The other pin on R2 is connected to another leg of the Opto-Reflective Sensor, and that point serves as the output (OPTO_OUT) of the circuit.
OPTO_OUT is additionally connected to a capacitor, which is then grounded.
Please note that for the Opto-Reflective Sensor (IC1), the pin names have not been specified. Therefore, I'm assuming a standard configuration where the LED is powered through a current limiting resistor (R1) and the phototransistor is pulled up with R2 to create a digital output. Always refer to the specific datasheet for correct connection guidance.
This project further mentions a license link confirming it's made under the creative commons license and specifies that the components VCC, OPTO_OUT, GND are to be excluded from the Bill of Materials (BOM) and PCB.
Aunque la QRE1113 es una gran opción para evaluar la distancia a los objetos a través de la reflectancia de infrarrojos, no es la opción ideal para la lectura de códigos QR. Leer un código QR requiere la capacidad de scanner e interpretar patrones visuales altamente detallados, algo que normalmente requeriría una cámara o un sensor de imagen para conseguirlo.
El QRE1113 es un sensor opto-reflectante que incluye un par de elementos: un LED emisor de infrarrojos y un fototransistor. El LED emite luz infrarroja y el fototransistor detecta la luz reflejada. Este sensado se usa típicamente para detectar proximidad o para diferenciar entre superficies claras y oscuras, por lo que no tiene la capacidad de leer códigos QR por sí mismo.
Si necesitas un método de escanear códigos QR, deberías considerar el uso de una cámara o un lector de códigos de barras 2D especializado, que puede capturar y procesar la imagen completa de un código QR.
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@copilot I'm designing a PCB for a medical device that measures heart rate and temperature. Can you give me the list of components I will need?
@copilot How would I connect these parts to make the LED flash at 1kHz?
@copilot can you choose 4 digital pins on the ATMega328P-AU that I have here to use as GPIO given that I am already using some pins for reset, the external clock, UART, and I2C.
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Passive Components
Resistor Power Rating
Checks that the power traveling across a given resistor is under its rating with 50% headroom.
), the pin names have not been specified. Therefore, I'm assuming a standard configuration where the LED is powered through a current limiting resistor (R1
) and the phototransistor is pulled up withR2
to create a digital output. Always refer to the specific datasheet for correct connection guidance.creative commons
license and specifies that the components VCC, OPTO_OUT, GND are to be excluded from the Bill of Materials (BOM) and PCB.nexus2301