Semestral E.P
Este circuito tiene la función de controlador para cuatro circuitos de tiras de luces LED múltiple, donde se usarán convertidores reductores, ya que es el mas simple de los controladores de conmutación (tipo Buck) y en este circuito esta aplicado ya que el voltaje de la carga nunca supera el 85% del voltaje de la alimentación y es capaz de regular la potencia AC de entrada y convertirlo para los 4 voltajes de salidas en DC, con el objetivo de alimentar las 4 tiras de luces LED. Este circuito convertidor reductor generalmente usa un MOSFET de potencia para cambiar el voltaje de alimentación a través de un inductor y las cargas que son las tiras de luces LED en serie. El inductor se utiliza para almacenar energía cuando se enciende el MOSFET, está esta energía se utiliza para proporcionar la corriente a las tiras de luces LED (las cuales tienen un consumo de 350 mA) cuando se apaga el MOSFET. Un diodo a través de las tiras LED y el circuito proporciona una ruta de retorno para que la corriente durante el tiempo de apagado del MOSFET.... show more8 Stars
A simple 1-to-3 buffered mult - Eurorack-talk for an audio/CV distributor The board itself is a 3U 4hp rack-mountable module This circuit was designed by and their T&Cs apply to commercial use (I built these for myself)... show more36 Comments
6 Stars
Strangest LED Blinker TestSite
Project Overview: This project is an enhanced LED blinking circuit that goes beyond a simple 555 timer-based design. It incorporates additional features such as random blinking patterns, speed control, and a start/stop function. The project utilizes a microcontroller, such as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, to control the blinking patterns, speed, and start/stop functionality. LED Blinking: The board features a total of 8 LEDs that blink in various random patterns. When the board is powered on, even before user interaction, the LEDs start blinking randomly, creating an eye-catching display. Each LED has its own current-limiting resistor to ensure proper current flow and prevent damage. The microcontroller is programmed to generate random blinking patterns for the LEDs, ensuring that the LEDs do not blink in a predictable or sequential order. This random blinking adds an element of unpredictability and visual interest to the project. Speed Control: The board includes two speed control buttons that allow the user to adjust the blinking speed of the LEDs. Button 1 is designated as the "fast" button, increasing the blinking speed when pressed, while Button 2 is designated as the "slow" button, decreasing the blinking speed when pressed. The speed control provides a range of blinking speeds, from a slow, gradual blink to a rapid, strobe-like effect. The microcontroller monitors the state of the speed control buttons and adjusts the blinking speed accordingly. Start/Stop Functionality: A third button serves as a start/stop control. When pressed, it toggles the blinking of the LEDs on or off. This allows the user to freeze the blinking pattern at any desired moment or resume the blinking when desired. The microcontroller handles the start/stop functionality by turning the LEDs on or off based on the state of the start/stop button. Manual Speed Adjustment: In addition to the speed control buttons, the board includes a potentiometer or variable resistor. This component allows the user to manually adjust the blinking speed of the LEDs by turning the knob or sliding the control. The manual speed adjustment provides more precise and customizable control over the blinking speed compared to the preset speeds of the buttons. The microcontroller reads the analog value from the potentiometer and adjusts the blinking speed accordingly. Power and Connectivity: The board is powered through a USB-C or USB-micro B connector, allowing it to be easily connected to a power source such as a computer or wall adapter. A voltage regulator may be included to ensure a stable and appropriate voltage supply to the components. A power switch is incorporated to conveniently turn the board on or off.... show more224 Comments
4 Stars
8 relay controller for xiao
Xiao could be a good way to mod your house or machines, with a simple relay controller to rule the wires.77 Comments
4 Stars
It's a simple uHAT RPI with WS2812. Good HAT for a simple project with WS28121 Comment
4 Stars
buffered-mult restored
A simple 1-to-3 buffered mult - Eurorack-talk for an audio/CV distributor The board itself is a 3U 4hp rack-mountable module This circuit was designed by and their T&Cs apply to commercial use (I built these for myself)... show more1 Comment
4 Stars
buffered-mult restored pLVs
A simple 1-to-3 buffered mult - Eurorack-talk for an audio/CV distributor The board itself is a 3U 4hp rack-mountable module This circuit was designed by and their T&Cs apply to commercial use (I built these for myself)... show more1 Comment
4 Stars
RP2040 Simple Template
Basic project template for RP2040 MCU from Raspberry Pi Pico Development board #RaspberryPi #Raspberry #Pi #RPi #Pico #template #project #project-template3 Stars