Power net portal is a special schematic object used to define a power or ground net. Power ports allow you to conveniently indicate a power net at any location in the design. Power nets of the same designator automatically connect throughout your design #portal #power
A generic fixed inductor for rapid developing circuit topology. *You can now change the footprint and 3D model at the top level anytime you want. This is the power of #generics
When selecting a 25 MHz clock oscillator, there are several factors to consider, including package type, supply voltage, frequency stability, and intended use case. Here's a general suggestion:
This oscillator is suitable for a wide range of applications, including microcontrollers, where a precise 25 MHz clock is needed. If you have specific requirements, like a different package or supply voltage, please let me know!
The part number X1E0000210352 refers to a quartz crystal that can be used to provide a 25 MHz clock signal. Here are its key specifications:
Key Specifications:
Frequency: 25 MHz
Type: Crystal
Load Capacitance: Typically 18 pF
Package: SMD, likely an 8-pad or similar configuration
Operating Temperature Range: Typically around -20°C to +70°C
Use Case:
This component is suited for applications where a quartz crystal is used in conjunction with a microcontroller or other ICs that have a built-in crystal oscillator circuit. You will need additional passive components such as capacitors to set up a crystal oscillator circuit.
Ensure the microcontroller or IC you're using can support an external crystal frequency of 25 MHz.
Verify that the load capacitance matches your circuit requirements to maintain frequency stability and minimize frequency drift.
If this matches your project requirements, it should work well. Otherwise, let me know if there are additional constraints or preferences!
Add load capacitors (typically 18 pF each) between the OSC1 and OSC2 pins of X1 and ground. These capacitors help stabilize the oscillation frequency.
Recommended Schematic:
Connect the crystal pins:
[X1]:OSC1 to [U1]:PH0
[X1]:OSC2 to [U1]:PH1
Connect the ground pins:
[X1]:GND to ground
Add load capacitors:
Connect a capacitor (C1) between [X1]:OSC1 and ground.
Connect a capacitor (C2) between [X1]:OSC2 and ground.
This setup should help your STM32 microcontroller use the crystal to generate a stable 25 MHz clock signal. Please make sure to adjust the load capacitance based on your specific crystal's requirements and your circuit configuration!
When using a crystal oscillator like the X1E0000210352 with a microcontroller, adding load capacitors is crucial for ensuring stable oscillation. Here's how to choose and connect them:
Capacitor Selection:
Load Capacitance (C_L): The typical load capacitance for this crystal could be around 18 pF. Check the crystal's datasheet to confirm this value.
Capacitor Calculation: To achieve the desired load capacitance, you use the formula:
Where $C_1$ and $C_2$ are the load capacitors connected to each pin of the crystal, and $C_{stray}$ is the stray capacitance (usually around 2-5 pF on a PCB).
Typically $C_1$ and $C_2$ are chosen to be equal. For a load capacitance of 18 pF, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are often around 22 pF each, accounting for stray capacitance.
C1: Connect a capacitor (C1) of approximately 22 pF between X1:OSC1 and ground.
C2: Connect a capacitor (C2) of approximately 22 pF between X1:OSC2 and ground.
Complete Connection:
Connect the crystal pins:
[X1]:OSC1 to [U1]:PH0
[X1]:OSC2 to [U1]:PH1
Connect the ground pins:
[X1]:GND to ground
Add load capacitors:
Connect C1 between [X1]:OSC1 and ground.
Connect C2 between [X1]:OSC2 and ground.
This setup will ensure your crystal operates reliably. Always verify the recommended load capacitance from the crystal datasheet to make any adjustments specific to your component.
X1 OSC2 - U1 PH1
X1 OSC2 - U1 PH1
X1 OSC2 - U1 PH1
X1 OSC2 - U1 PH1
Miniature Silver Point-of-view gun
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