This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #simpleEmbedded #espressif #template
14 Stars
This project is a reference project for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 to develop your IoT ideas. The board has 3 LEDs, USB C for firmware, EN and BOOT buttons, and 2 IO connectors for development #IoT #WiFi #MCU #RF #ESP32 #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
3 Stars
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-1U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
3 Stars
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
3 Stars
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-2 based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
3 Stars
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
2 Stars
This project is a reference design for an ESP-WROOM-02U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP8266 #WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
2 Stars
This is a LoRa soil monitor Reference Design. It uses a STM32L031G6U6S microcontroller and a RFM95W-915S2 LoRa transceiver, integrated with sensor interfacing and LED indicators. Communication occurs via USART and SPI. The system is powered using a battery. #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #stm #template #reference-design
2 Stars
This project is a BLE door and window sensor design that uses a U-blox BMD-330-A-R for BLE communication, a reed switch as a sensor, a multi-color LED for status display, and is powered by VBAT. There's also a programming interface and reset switch included. #WiFi #BLE #MCU #ReferenceDesign #Module #reusable #module #simple-embedded #ublox #sublayout
2 Stars
This project is a WiFi-enabled door and window sensor using the ESP8684-WROOM-02C module from Espressif Systems. It includes a triple-color LED indicator, Reed switch for detection, a 3.3V Regulatory mechanism, and USB C for firmware flashing. It's powered by a regular non-rechargeable AAA battery. #WiFi #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP8684 #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif
1 Star
This project is a controller module that uses the ESP32-WROOM-32E and the MAX3485 to communicate with Modbus devices. It has a USB-C port for power and data, a voltage regulator for stable operation, and headers for connecting sensors and actuators. It also has a CH340C chip for USB to serial conversion. #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #MAX3485 #RS485 #maximintegrated #reference-design
1 Star
This circuit is an ultrasonic distance meter based on an ATTiny2313 microcontroller. It uses an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to measure distance and displays the results on an OLED display. The power supply is constructed using a Boost converter (TPS613222A) and a 2-cell AA battery. Additionally, it also includes ISP for programming, RESET and START switches, and LED indicators. #project #Template #projectTemplate #ultrasonic #OLED #arduino #attiny2313 #TPS613222A #ISP #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #microchip #template #reference-design
1 Star
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROVER-E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROVER #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
1 Star
This project is a reference design for an ESP-WROOM-02D based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP8266 #WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
1 Star
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-S2-MINI-2U based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32S2 #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
1 Star
This project is a BLE door and window sensor design that uses a U-blox BMD-330-A-R for BLE communication, a reed switch as a sensor, a multi-color LED for status display, and is powered by VBAT. There's also a programming interface and reset switch included. #WiFi #BLE #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #ublox #template #reference-design
1 Star
This is a ESP32-C3-WROOM-02U reference design based on the manufacturer's recommendations. On board we have an ESP module, USB C for firmware, 2 connectors with IOs and RGB LED #ESP32 #WiFi #LED #IoT #BLE #ARM #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template
1 Star
This project is a WiFi RF-ID Lock, which uses a Espressif ESP-8684 microcontroller for WiFi connectivity and a Handson Technology RC522 for RF-ID functionality. It also includes an OLED display and user control via a switch. A step-up power converter ensures consistent 3.3V power. #WiFi #MCU #ReferenceDesign #project #ESP8684 #lock #OLED #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
1 Star
This project involves the design of a keypad lock system. It utilizes an ATMEGA328P microcontroller, buzzers, LEDs for indicator functions and a 4x3 matrix keypad. An in-circuit serial programming (ISP) header is also present for programming the microcontroller. #project #Template #projectTemplate #lock #keypad #arduino #atmega328 #TPS613222A #ISP #buzzer #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #microchip #template #reference-design
1 Star
This project is a reference design for an ESP32-WROOM-32E based device. It features USB-C for power and data transfer, onboard voltage regulation, and multiple peripheral connections. It also includes a CH340C for USB to serial conversion #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #referenceDesign #simple-embedded #espressif #template #reference-design
1 Star
This is a light-sensitive LED reference design featuring an STM32L031F4P6 microcontroller. It interfaces with a TEMT6000X01 light sensor and controls a multi-colored LED. The system also has a user button and UART for communication, and regulators to manage power supply. #referenceDesign #reusable #module #simple-embedded #light-sensitive #module #sublayout
1 Star
This is a LoRa based gas leakage detector design featuring a BME680 gas sensor by Bosch Sensortec. It includes a Seeed LoRa module for RF communication and uses an MCU. The power is driven by two non-rechargeable AA batteries with voltage regulation by TPS613221ADBVR IC. The project also incorporates user interaction components such as indicators (LED) and switches. #LoRa #MCU #ReferenceDesign #Module #reusable #module #simple-embedded #seeed #seeed-studio #sublayout
1 Star
This is a LoRa-based door and window sensor incorporating a microcontroller unit (MCU). It features a reed sensor, LED indicators, a AAA non-rechargeable battery, and a booster IC for constant voltage. The MCU is linked to peripherals through nets, ensuring optimal performance #LoRa #MCU #ReferenceDesign #Module #reusable #module #simple-embedded #seeed #seeed-studio #sublayout
1 Star