An Arduino Uno powers this autonomous “follow me” cooler that connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and uses GPS to navigate.
The robot cooler connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and uses GPS to navigate.
All the electronics will be contained in the base so that other objects can be carried as well. The electronics were installed in the box cutout under the platform. An Arduino Uno and a 5v battery to power the sensors, Bluetooth, and control logic. A 3s LiPo battery was used to power the motors.
A HC-05 Bluetooth module was mounted at the front of the platform for better range. The rest of the components including a L298N motor driver, PAM-7Q GPS, and HMC6883L compass were mounted inside and connected to the Arduino through the breadboard.
The compass works with I2C, so we connected the SLC and SDA pins to A5 and A4 respectively. The rest of the pins were connected through digital I/O.
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