USB-C to 4 USB-A Hub V1 addf
Introducing my USB-C to 4 USB-A Hub V1, a compact and efficient solution for expanding your device's connectivity. Easily connect multiple USB-A peripherals to a single USB-C port. The USB-C and USB-A high speed differential pairs were done with the help of Flux Automated Impedance Control. #USBCHub #Connectivity #project



a month ago

Pet Tracker Device
This is a Pet Tracker Reference Design based on STM32L4. Tracker connects with network by SIM800L module connected to the STM. Also MCU connected to the GPS by uart and send data to server #STM32 #GPS #G4 #G3 #LTE #IoT #Tracker #smartHomeDevices #referenceDesign #edge-computing #edgeComputing #stm #template #referenceDesign

2 months ago

4 Forks

1 Comment

Biskuit AI jNYi
The Biskuit pendant is a WiFi/BLE Enabled wearable AI Diary which captures Images and sounds periodically and creates an audio visual timeline of your day so that you don't forget anything.

2 months ago

19 Forks

1 Comment

USB-C to 4 USB-A Hub V1
Introducing my USB-C to 4 USB-A Hub V1, a compact and efficient solution for expanding your device's connectivity. Easily connect multiple USB-A peripherals to a single USB-C port. The USB-C and USB-A high speed differential pairs were done with the help of Flux Automated Impedance Control. #USBCHub #Connectivity #project

2 months ago

1 Fork

ESP32 RS485 (Modbus) Controller Module 1f3f
This project is a controller module that uses the ESP32-WROOM-32E and the MAX3485 to communicate with Modbus devices. It has a USB-C port for power and data, a voltage regulator for stable operation. It also has a CH340C chip for USB to serial conversion. #referenceDesign #project #ESP32 #ESP32WROOM #RF #WIFI #MCU #reusable #module #simple-embedded #espressif #template #MAX3485 #RS485 #maximintegrated

2 months ago

TJA1059TKJ Reference Design
This is a reference design for TJA1059TKJ Dual high-speed CAN transceiver with Standby mode. It offers advanced features, such as wake-up capability and high-speed data rates, making it suitable for automotive and industrial applications. #MCP25612FD #CANbus #transceiver #highspeed #automotive #referenceDesign #project #CANbus #interface #transceiverCircuit #TJA1059TKJ #referenceDesign #canbus #nxp #template #reference-design



3 months ago

1 Fork


Biskuit AI jbTt
The Biskuit pendant is a WiFi/BLE Enabled wearable AI Diary which captures Images and sounds periodically and creates an audio visual timeline of your day so that you don't forget anything.

4 months ago

20 Forks

1 Comment