Arduino Uno R3 Shield Template 6Tq5
Template for Arduino Uno R3 Shield. Include an official pinout so you will always know Arduino names, the alternative roles of pins, which one is SDA, or SCL, etc. On PCB you can find the 3D model of the Arduino Uno R3 itself along with the board outline on the silkscreen. #Arduino #Uno #Shield #Template #project-template #project

8 months ago

Audio Electronics | Copilot Preset
@copilot Medir la temperatura con un sensor DHT 11/DHT22 y controlar un servomotor, estando en posicion inicial angulo “0” si la temperatura es mayor a 30º el sermotor gire en la posicion de 180º y si es menor a 30º gire 90º, visualizar la temperatura en el monitor serial .

9 months ago


Arduino Uno R3 Shield Template
Template for Arduino Uno R3 Shield. Include an official pinout so you will always know Arduino names, the alternative roles of pins, which one is SDA, or SCL, etc. On PCB you can find the 3D model of the Arduino Uno R3 itself along with the board outline on the silkscreen. #Arduino #Uno #Shield #Template #project-template #project

9 months ago