Power net portal is a special schematic object used to define a power or ground net. Power ports allow you to conveniently indicate a power net at any location in the design. Power nets of the same designator automatically connect throughout your design #portal #power
A generic fixed inductor for rapid developing circuit topology. *You can now change the footprint and 3D model at the top level anytime you want. This is the power of #generics
@copilot I have to do a project, it involves controlling a traffic light with 2 lanes and a pedestrian crossing, using J-K flip-flops, with the following timings:
Lanes 1 and 2
Red = 25 sec, Yellow = 5 sec, Green = 25 sec.
Red = 30 sec, Green = 30 sec.
Please make the diagram.
To control the traffic lights and pedestrian crossing using J-K flip-flops, we need to create a design that includes timing sequences for each light. Here's the plan we'll follow:
Use J-K Flip-Flops: They will be used to create the state machine that controls the traffic lights for two lanes and the pedestrian crossing.
Create a Clock: This will provide the base timing unit. The clock frequency should allow us to establish the desired intervals, e.g., 5 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec.
Design the State Machine: Create states for each of the traffic light conditions.
Set Transition Logic: Determine how to move from one state to the next based on the clock input.
Let's create a block diagram using a simplified representation to illustrate this logic. We can then discuss the specifics of the J-K flip-flops connections and state transitions.
Here's a block diagram using Mermaid syntax for visualization:
Clock Divider: We need to divide the clock signal to achieve the timing requirements, e.g., 5 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec. This may require additional counter circuits.
Synchronization: Ensure that lane lights and pedestrian lights are synchronized correctly.
Flip-Flop Connections: Each state transition can be controlled by J-K flip-flop configuration (J, K inputs and clock signal connections).
Would you like to explore a specific part of this design in more detail, such as developing the connection scheme for the J-K flip-flops?
To divide a clock signal to achieve specific timing intervals, you can use a series of binary counters, often implemented with flip-flops. Here’s how you can approach it:
Divide the Main Clock: If you have a clock frequency, you can use flip-flops to divide the frequency to get specific time intervals. For example, if your clock is running at 1 Hz, you can use counters to divide it further to achieve 30-second, 25-second, and 5-second intervals.
Use Binary Counters: A simple way to divide the clock is with a binary counter, which consists of J-K flip-flops connected in series. A binary counter will divide the frequency of the input clock by powers of 2.
Determine Division Requirements:
You will need one counter for each timing interval: 5 sec, 25 sec, and 30 sec.
Ensure synchronization so all lights transition appropriately.
Here’s an example approach using binary counting to achieve the desired timing:
5-Second Interval: Count up to 5 with a low-frequency clock signal (e.g., 1 Hz).
25-Second Interval: Count up to 25 using the J-K flip-flops.
30-Second Interval: Count up to 30 using the J-K flip-flops.
Implementation Steps
Connect J-K Flip-Flops in a series to create a counter. Each flip-flop will divide the frequency by 2.
Calculate the Number of Flip-Flops needed to get the desired division.
Reset the counter at the appropriate counts to get the correct timing interval.
Basic Configuration
Here is a basic representation (we'll focus on the 5-second and 25-second division):
For a 1 Hz Clock:
5-second Counter: You don’t need division since the clock provides 1-second ticks. Initiate a counting reset after 5 pulses.
25-second Counter: Use a series of flip-flops configured to count up to 25 before resetting.
Sample J-K Flip-Flop Connections
Counter Configuration for J-K flip-flops:
Connect Q of each flip-flop to the clock input of the next flip-flop.
Set both J and K inputs to high (1) to toggle state.
For a 25-second Counter:
Use five flip-flops and logic gates to create logic to reset the counter after 25 ticks (which is 11001 in binary).
Would you like a more detailed circuit design or a description of the connections?
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