Power net portal is a special schematic object used to define a power or ground net. Power ports allow you to conveniently indicate a power net at any location in the design. Power nets of the same designator automatically connect throughout your design #portal #power
A generic fixed inductor for rapid developing circuit topology. *You can now change the footprint and 3D model at the top level anytime you want. This is the power of #generics
The ADXL345BCCZ-RL accelerometer from Analog Devices that you're using in your project can be used as a tilting sensor. This accelerometer can measure acceleration forces in the X, Y, and Z axes, which can be used to determine the tilt angle of the device.
The tilt angle can be calculated using the accelerometer's outputs as follows:
If only considering 2 axes for simplicity, the true tilt angle θ can be calculated with:
θ = atan2(sqrt(X^2+Y^2),Z)
This uses the arctangent of the square root of the sum of the squares of the X and Y accelerations over the Z acceleration. The atan2 function calculates the arctangent of two variables accounting for the quadrant.
This calculation gives more accurate results than using single axis. During operation, you should apply a moving average filter to eliminate noise from the raw accelerometer data.
The ADXL345BCCZ-RL communicates using SPI or I2C. Connect SDA/SDI/SDIO and SLC/SCLK to your microcontroller I2C pins accordingly, while keeping ~CS tied to VDDIO for I2C mode. INT1 and INT2 can be used as interrupts for your microcontroller, though they are optional for tilt sensing. Supply the sensor with power to VS (1.8V-3.6V) and connect all the ground pins (GND@1, GND@2, GND@3) to the ground of your system.
For more specific guidance for your system or programming help, you may need to refer to the ADXL345BCCZ-RL datasheet or your microcontroller's documentation.
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Passive Components
Resistor Power Rating
Checks that the power traveling across a given resistor is under its rating with 50% headroom.